Specifically designed with your privacy in mind
Xtract Accounting are not just small business and Limited Company Accountants...
we are also accountants for Directors of Limited Companies too. We understand the importance of maintaining a Directors' privacy, especially those who work from home.
That's where our Registered Office Address service can help!
Every Limited Company in the UK must have a physical Registered Office Address declared at Companies House, along with the Service Addresses for all Directors. These addresses are used as official correspondence addresses, but unfortunately, they are also placed on the Public Register for all to see.
That's where our Registered Office Address service may be able to help - exclusively available to Limited Companies registered in England and Wales, we'll register an alternative address at Companies House for both you and your Limited Company, thereby protecting your privacy and increasing your security by preventing your residential address from being on view to creditors and the general public.
We'll even handle all official mail received at the address and securely destroy all junk mail.
All for an annual fee of £60 (NO VAT).
That's just £1.16 a week!
Take a look through the details of this service.
We'll submit the necessary forms to Companies House on your behalf, declaring the alternative address for both the Companies Registered Office and Directors Service Addresses.
On your behalf, we'll accept and open all official mail addressed to you and your Company from Companies House, HMRC and the British Courts.
We'll scan all official mail into PDF format, before emailing the scanned images to you. Any confidential mail will be secured before being emailed.
All of the above for a yearly fee of £60 (NO VAT).
(or FREE for the first year with our Company Formation service!)
Whilst this service can prevent your residential address becoming common knowledge, it's important to note that it may not totally protect your privacy in the following circumstances:​
1. Where a Credit Reference Agency (CRA) performs an identity verification or credit search on you or your company. Doing so may reveal to the CRA your residential address as registered with Companies House, in which case the CRA will be required to protect such data under the Data Protection Act 2018.
2. Where you have previously used your residential address as the Registered Office Address for the Company and/or the Directors Service Address(es). Unfortunately, such information remains on the Public Register but isn't entirely visible at first glance.
3. Where the Statutory Records for your company are held at an alternative address to the Registered Office Address. The Companies Act 2006 requires the Statutory Records be available for inspection at the company's Registered Office Address. If the Statutory Records are actually held at an alternative address, this address, known as the Single Alternative Inspection Location (SAIL), must also be declared to Companies House and is also shown on the Public Register.
4. We may from time to time be required to declare your personal details to a third party in accordance with applicable law. For example, our Regulatory Body, HMRC and/or the National Crime Agency (NCA).
Should you have any questions regarding this service or wish to discuss your requirements,
please contact us and we would be happy to help.
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